Opportunity Lost

Once again, the Grand Old Party rejects opportunity when it knocks. Governor DeSantis would have been a great Vice President pick save the little issue of both candidates being from the same state. President Trump could have changed his legal residency to New Jersey or anywhere for that matter and have resolved that issue. The governor could have saved the political embarrassment of signing legislation allowing him to keep his governorship should he lose the primary election. That little trick could be seen by many as lack of confidence in his quest for the Presidency.

Many of President Trump’s detractors noted the “baggage he carries” and “the chaos wherever he goes comments,” but failed miserably to expose the evil anti-American weaponization of our government agencies by the Democrat party which created the chaos in the first place. Their failure to fully recognize and vigorously expose the treachery perpetrated on President Trump and the country will not be easily forgiven by the rock solid MAGA base. In fact, their lack of vision will surely encourage more of the same.

Governor DeSantis and his handlers really believe that they would get the ultra-loyal Trump supporters if they abandoned him? Many believe that if the Governor would have fully endorsed President Trump and travelled the country campaigning with him then the DeSantis brand would have grown huge. If the politically weaponized FBI, DOJ, persecution and prosecution of President Trump turned out to be the worst-case scenario, then Governor DeSantis could have been the heir apparent and coasted to the Presidency.

After dropping out of the race he issued a luke -warm endorsement of President Trump which did little to warm the hearts of the Trump supporters. On the bright side Governor DeSantis would have made a great Vice President or perhaps a great Secretary of Defense, but alas, that opportunity may also have been lost.

Richard MacAuley

Hobe Sound

This is an editoral from one of our members and not the official position of the Martin County Republican Executive Committee.


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