Misinformation vs. Disinformation

What does it take to explain to low information voters that “Green Energy” mandates drive the USA to depend on her enemies?

Hertz Rental Cars just got rid of a multitude of EVs, to the consternation of Joe Biden (aka Vegetable Man). Not too many citizens are buying them either. We know so-called green energy is not just investment choice. No. It is not another choice in a supply and demand economy. The purchase of “green” is an attempt to force, finagle, even wreck private energy companies. The left (Agenda 30 of the UN) wants us dependent upon lithium. And we know who holds the high cards in global mining and production of this gemstone. China.

The concept of Global Warming has been around for centuries. And it does exist, as does Global Cooling. We know from writer/researcher, Ken Follett's, extensive work on how global warming allowed the work to continue on the Cathedral of Notre Dame for some 300 years, without interruption. Not only could the work continue, but farm production allowed for food products for the men and women working on the structure to receive ample supply. We also know from scientific experts who can examine the rings in tree trunks to determine all kinds of information. But calling questioning of certain cult-like beliefs (transgender-ism, DEI, CRT), as misinformation or dis-information is the same as when someone is losing an argument. Name-calling is the final resort for those without logic or factual supporting data.

Folks living in South Florida have no trouble imagining thousands of vehicles heading north on either 95 or the Florida Turnpike, running out of electric charge, cluttering the roads (without service roads) and creating a giant miles long parking lot.

I leave it to the reader to explain it all. I am mystified. I still cannot believe how many citizens accepted “shots” - which were not vaccinations (my body, my choice) - and believe what is being spread as truth is saving the planet!

Audrey Taggart

Hobe Sound

This is an editoral from one of our members and not the official position of the Martin County Republican Executive Committee.


UN Agenda 21/30 Part 2


Opportunity Lost